The undersigned agrees to the above letter and to comply with the Social Services Relief Fund Phase 2 Program Guidelines attached as Addendum B, as the same may be amended by the Ministry from time to time. The undersigned further agrees to use funds from the Social Services Relief Fund Phase 2 as set out in the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative Program Guidelines (April 2017), under the Service Manager Service Agreement, including Addendum B to this letter.

The undersigned further agrees to receive the remaining balance of its initial SSRF funding and to use the funding as set out in the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative Program Guidelines (April 2017), under the Service Manager Service Agreement, including the Notice of Amendment set out in my letter to you dated April 1, 2020.

Service Manager: __________________

Name: ____________________

Title: ____________________


Name: ____________________

Title: ____________________ 


I/We have authority to bind the organization.

Addendum B – Social Services Relief Fund Phase 2 Program Guidelines