I am pleased to inform you that under SSRF Phase 2 City of Windsor will be eligible to receive an initial planning allocation of $4,475,031 in 2020-21.

In addition, and in light of the increasing pressures being experienced by Service Managers, you will receive the remainder of your initial SSRF funding, upon the Ministry receiving a full copy of this letter with the sign-back section completed and signed.

Below are additional details about the SSRF Phase 2 funding.

Business Case Process

Prior to receiving SSRF Phase 2 funds, you will be required to submit a business case to the Ministry. The business case process will provide an opportunity to outline how your initial planning allocation will be used, and will assist the Ministry in ensuring that funds are being directed to communities most in need.

Business cases will be reviewed by an inter-ministerial working group, which will make recommendations on funding decisions. Your initial planning allocation could be subject to change based on COVID-19 needs and emerging public health emergencies across the province, which may result in the re-allocation of funds between service areas. Following the review process, you will be notified of your approved SSRF Phase 2 funding allocation.

The business case template is available through the Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) system, and must be completed and submitted to the Ministry via TPON by September 11, 2020.

Program Details

Similar to the initial SSRF funding provided to you in April 2020, SSRF Phase 2 funding will flow through the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI). For funding provided under SSRF Phase 2, amendments to the CHPI Program Guidelines are set out in the attached Addendum B (SSRF Phase 2 Program Guidelines).

Please note that this funding is in addition to your base 2020-21 CHPI allocation, which the Ministry previously communicated to you on April 17, 2019, and the initial SSRF funding. There will be no change to the program administration or payment process for payments under CHPI.

SSRF Phase 2 will include an operating component and two new capital components. Please refer to the SSRF Phase 2 Program Guidelines for details on eligible use of funding and project approval process.

The objectives of the SSRF Phase 2 funding are to:

  1. Mitigate ongoing risk for vulnerable people, especially in congregate settings;

  2. Encourage long-term housing-based solutions to homelessness post-COVID-19; and