A template for this municipal report and request for consideration for Phase 2 funding will be provided shortly and will require:
Information about measures the municipality has undertaken to reduce financial pressures (e.g. use of reserves, cost saving measures);
Explanation of how the municipality applied or plans to spend Phase 1 funding towards COVID-19 operating costs and pressures;
A year-end forecast of COVID-19 operating costs and pressures;
Actual COVID-related impacts as of the end of Q3 of the municipal fiscal year (September 30, 2020);
Treasurer’s statement as to accuracy of reporting;
Resolution of Council seeking additional funding.
Municipalities who are eligible and approved to receive funding under Phase 2 will be informed before the end of the calendar year and can expect to receive a payment in early 2021.
Our government will continue to be a champion for communities as we chart a path to a strong economic recovery. We thank all 444 Ontario municipal heads of council for their support through our negotiations with the federal government. Working together, we will ensure Ontario gets back on track.
Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
c. Municipal Treasurer and Municipal CAO
By signing below, I acknowledge that the per household allocation of $12,026,800 is provided to the City of Windsor for the purpose of assisting with COVID-19 costs and pressures and that the province expects any funds not required for this purpose in 2020 will be put into reserves to support potential COVID-19 costs and pressures in 2021. I further acknowledge that the City of Windsor is expected to report back to the province on 2020 COVID-19 costs and pressures and the use of this funding.