City Council
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

ii) the following uses shall be prohibited: a drive through restaurant and a restaurant patio; and,

(iii) the following regulations shall apply:

  1. All parking spaces shall be located in the front yard and side yard. Parking spaces are prohibited in the rear yard.

  2. Maximum building height - one storey

  3. Maximum net floor area - 474 square metres

  4. Minimum rear yard setback - 3.0 metres

  5. Minimum west side yard width - 0.0 metres

  6. Minimum east side yard width - 3.7 metres.”

II That as part of any amendment to the existing approved site plan for the property, Council

DIRECTS the Site Plan Control Officer to take the following items into consideration:

  1. Along the shared east property line, remove the existing fence and install a privacy fence at least 2.4m in height with boards on both sides so that there is no visibility through the fence. The first 9.15m of the fence south of Cabana will be up to 1m high so as not to obstruct views for cars exiting from the property;

  2. 2.4 m high privacy fencing will be installed along the rear of the property;

  3. Developer to remove the 3 pines trees along the east property line (including the one on the neighbour’s property) and install on the property at least 4 (four) Cedar trees at least 3.048 m high so as to block the view to the raised patio at 539 Cabana Road East;

  4. Developer to install 1.83m high black cedars every 1.2m on center along the shared property line; and

  5. all restaurant garbage to be stored in the building.


Report Number: SCM 217/2020, C 150/2020, & S 88/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13809


12.1. (i) Report of the Special In-Camera meeting or other Committee as may be held prior to Council

Moved by: Councillor Kaschak

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: CR412/2020
That the report of the In Camera meeting held August 4, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.

Clerk’s File: ACO2020