City Council
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR407/2020

That City Council RECEIVE AND ACCEPT the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2019, including the City of Windsor Trust Fund Statements.

Report Number: C 139/2020

Clerk’s File: AF/11247

8.8. Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-8 - 4207785 Canada Inc. - 2650 Metcalfe Street - Ward 5

Melanie Muir, Dillon Consulting

Melanie Muir, Dillon Consulting, appears before Council to provide comment and to speak in support regarding the request for Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-8 – 4207785 Canada Inc., for the property at 2650 Metcalfe Street.

Mark Belanger, Sherwood Auto Sales

Mark Belanger, Sherwood Auto Sales, appears before Council to speak in opposition regarding the request for Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-8 – 4207785 Canada Inc., for the property at 2650 Metcalfe Street, as the owners of the subject property have not addressed long-standing issues pertaining to dust and dirt that blows into adjacent yards and surrounding community, and concludes by suggesting that before the City even considers the application, the applicant should be required to take immediate steps to prevent the dust, dirt and debris currently emanating from its property.

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR399/2020 DHSC 174
That the request of 4207785 Canada Inc. for an exemption from the provisions of Interim Control By-law 78-2019 for the property at 2650 Metcalfe BE DENIED.

At the request of Councillor Gignac, a recorded vote is taken.

Aye votes: Councillors Sleiman, Holt, Bortolin, McKenzie, Kaschak, Morrison and Mayor Dilkens.
Nay votes: Councillors Gignac and Francis.
Absent: Councillor Costante.
Abstain: None.