Item No. 15.1

Notice of Motion: SCM 243/2020

Subject: Councillor Holt's Notice of Motion

Councillor Holt, at the July 27, 2020 City Council meeting, gave notice of the following proposed Motion pending Administrative comment (attached).

Moved by Councillor Holt, seconded by Councillor ______________

That with regards to the City of Windsor receiving requests for written submissions regarding an application for a Cannabis Retail Store Authorization, from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), that Administration BE DIRECTED to follow provincial guidelines for locations of cannabis retail stores at the City of Windsor’s new municipal guidelines, as well as the City of Windsor’s zoning requirements, and to approve accordingly those applications that meet these minimum standards, without the need for Council approval, and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to Council as communication items on the application submissions that have been forwarded to the AGCO.
