Moved by Councillor Marra, seconded by Councillor Postma,


WHEREAS: The use of the Local Improvement Policy is a mechanism for residents to petition City Council for local infrastructure improvements; and

WHEREAS: The Pedestrian Generator Policy is used by City Administration as it relates to assessing the need for the construction of sidewalks in any given neighbourhood; and

WHEREAS: From time to time, local improvement petitions will come from neighbourhoods that are residential in nature, and it is a designated Transit Windsor Route, and new sidewalks are required, the current policy requires that the residents of the subject neighbourhood are compelled to financially contribute towards the construction of the sidewalks; and

WHEREAS: When it comes to pedestrian and transit safety issues, the Corporation should be absorbing 100% of the costs for the construction of sidewalks;


Administration proceed with amendments, effective immediately, to the Local Improvement Petition Policy and the Pedestrian Generator Policy in order to ensure that in these such circumstances, sidewalks deemed necessary by the City Engineer BE CONSTRUCTED and the cost will be fully subsidized by the Corporation's share of the infrastructure project.


Councillor Hatfield was absent from the meeting when the votes was taken on this matter.