
That APPROVAL BE GIVEN for the following policy for the assessment of costs of storm and sanitary sewers constructed as Local Improvements under the Municipal Act, 2001 - Ontario Regulation 119/03, to be effective immediately:

(a) That as provided for by Section 9 of Regulation 119/03, a uniform flat rate of $140.00 per metre of frontage be used on all petitions prepared for the construction of a sanitary sewer when only one sewer is being constructed.

(b) That as provided for by Section 9 of Regulation 119/03, a uniform flat rate of $99.00 per metre of frontage be used on all petitions prepared for the construction of a storm sewer when only one sewer is being constructed.

(c) That in the event that both storm and sanitary sewers are constructed simultaneously on a street, that the above be modified so as to further reduce the rate chargeable for the storm sewer to $72.00 per metre.

(d) That in the event curbs and gutters and surface asphalt are constructed on a street following sewer construction, the City will absorb the following:

(e) That all outstanding Local Improvement Act sanitary sewer petitions that are returned sufficiently signed before June 1, 2003, be considered at the 2000 rates of $130.00 per metre.

(f) That this policy apply only to sewers constructed on assumed streets.

(g) That as provided for by Section 15 of Regulation 119/03, 75% of the first 45.72 metres of lot flankage be borne on the general rate except in those cases where the property owner is connected only to the frontage sewer when it shall be 100% on the general rate.

(h) That the cost of all private drain connections from the main sewer to the property line be charged to the benefiting property in accordance with Section 10(2) of Regulation 119/03.

(i) That the above rates be evaluated within two (2) years from date of this Council Resolution.