Transit Windsor Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

municipalities that cancelled their bus routes and only kept their mainline services. He adds that the City of Windsor was the only municipality that cancelled all service.

B. Drouillard reports there were several transit systems that were shut down in Michigan. He states that Brampton and Hamilton eliminated routes and concentrated only on certain roads and this practice is ongoing due to low ridership. He adds it will be a challenge to protect the drivers.

In response to a question asked by Councillor Holt regarding if any municipality has declared “transit” as an essential service, P. Delmore responds this has not been done formally.

The Chair questions if the workers feel safe on the buses. P. Delmore states that safety is their number one concern and that personal protective equipment has been provided to the drivers. He indicates the automated announcement system on the buses is utilized to educate riders on hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer.

Moved by Councillor Holt, seconded by N. Hope,
That City Council BE REQUESTED to consider recognizing Transit Windsor as an essential service.

At the request of the Chair, a recorded vote is taken.

Aye votes Councillors McKenzie, Councillor Bortolin, Councillor Holt, Bernie Drouillard and Nathanael Hope.

Nay votes None

Councillor Holt indicates it is imperative that City Council works to regain the confidence of the transit system. By declaring transit as an essential service, we will be saying it is integral to building a city that takes mobility seriously.

Councillor Bortolin expresses concern that when thousands of people are stranded for a month without transit service and without any mitigation plan; we need to understand it is an essential service. If people do not understand and know that transit is there when they need it most, they will not be able to rely on it and will find other arrangements.

The Chair states it is critical that an open discussion be held to understand the decision making process that will go into any adjustment to service levels.

4.3 Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (CIP) Update

Pl Delmore provides the following update relating to the Investing n Canada Infrastructure Program (CIP):