Transit Windsor Advisory Committee

Meeting held May 26, 2020 via Teleconference

A meeting of the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee is held this day commencing at 9:30 o’clock a.m. via teleconference, there being present the following members:

Councillor Kieran McKenzie, Chair
Councillor Chris Holt
Councillor Rino Bortolin
Bernie Drouillard
Nathanael Hope


Christi Chauvin
Ryan Hooey
Renee Morel
Carmen Salloum

Also present are the following resource personnel”

Pat Delmore, Executive Director, Transit Windsor
David Calibaba, Manager, Sales & Marketing, Transit Windsor
Steve Habrun, Manager, Operations, Transit Windsor
Karen Kadour, Committee Coordinator

1.   Call to Order

The Chair calls the meeting to order at 9:30 o’clock a.m. and the Committee considers the Agenda being Schedule A attached hereto, matters which are dealt with as follows:

2. Declaration of Conflict

None disclosed.

3. Adoption of the Minutes

Moved by Councillor Holt, seconded by B. Drouillard,
That the minutes of the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee of its meeting held November 28, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented.