Property Standards Committee Meeting Minutes

4. Request for Deferral, Referral of Withdrawal

Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by D. Laurendeau,
That the matter Item 5.2 relating to Di Gioia Cleaners Ltd./Smart Holdings Inc. – 167 Erie Street East BE WITHDRAWN as the property has been sold.

Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by M. Wachna,

That the matter Item 5.3 relating to Maria Folino and Alberto Folino – 280 Aylmer Avenue BE DEFERRED noting that the Building Department has no objection to the deferral, and will allow Administration sufficient time to prepare a report to Council regarding the demolition of the building.

5. Appeals

5.1 1451799 Ontario Inc. - 933 Goyeau Street

Amina Meddaoui, representative of 1451799 Ontario Inc. is present via teleconference regarding property at 933 Goyeau Street, Plan 1303 N. Pt. Lot 160. The Notice of Appeal dated September 4, 2019 was received within the 14-day time frame.

The presentation entitled 933 Goyeau Street – OTR 19-218632 is attached as Appendix “A”.

Jay McGuire, Building Enforcement Officer provides a summary of his concerns relating to 933 Goyeau Street as follows:

In response to a question asked by Councillor Sleiman regarding the immediate safety of the building, R. Vani responds the Building Department has no objection to allow an extension of time to comply with the Order to Repair.

M. Laurendeau asks if a professional engineer has been engaged to inspect the building and to make a recommendation on the integrity of the cladding, and if so, has a general contractor been engaged to provide quotes. R. Vani responds that the Building