Council Report: S 86/2020

Subject: Response to CQ 27-2019 regarding potential affordable housing incentives


Date to Council: July 13, 2020
Author: Neil Robertson, Manager Urban Design/Deputy City Planner
519-255-6543, ext. 6461
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: June 19, 2020
Clerk’s File #: GH/6905

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT Report # S 86/2020 responding to CQ 27-2019 regarding potential incentives that can be offered to encourage the investment in affordable housing BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary: N/A


On September 23, 2019, Councillor Bortolin submitted the following Council Question:

Asks administration to report back on potential incentives that can be offered to encourage the investment in affordable housing, including but not limited to, a community-wide CIP specific to housing and a consideration given to Development Charges waivers. (CQ 27-2019)

The City of Windsor, as the designated service manager responsible for the administration and funding of housing and homelessness programs in Windsor and Essex County, prepared and adopted the Home, Together: Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan (HHMP) approved by City Council on December 2, 2019 (CR612/2019) and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on March 24, 2020. The 10-year plan is legislatively mandated by the Province with a purpose to provide a comprehensive approach to delivering a system of housing and homelessness service solutions. The HHMP identifies goals, strategies, targets and specific actions aimed at