• Review, approve and oversee implementation of detailed work plan for the project.

  • Review and approve detailed monthly financial report (budget versus actual)

  • Approve changes to budget allocation, change orders and contingency expenditure according to the rules for spending and within overall project budget.

  • Ensure project direction is consistent with departmental and end users’ needs.

  • Review and resolve business issues.

  • Ensure compliance with all City by-laws.

  • Through Administrative Resources, maintain minutes of all meetings, general records and other resources.

  • Maintain issues list.

Project Administrat or (s)

Project administration will be a joint effort. Urban Design will be the project lead during the first phase of the project and will be supported by Corporate Projects. For the second phase of the project, Corporate Projects will be the lead and Urban Design will act as support. The lead project administrator will be responsible for the following responsibilities under their perspective phases.

  • Develop a detailed work plan.

  • Manage the day-to-day aspects of the project.

  • Respond to media requests for information.

  • Prepare reports on progress and budget for the executive committee, steering committee and Council.

  • Identify and manage project risks and issues and escalate them to the executive committee as required.

  • Monitor progress to ensure successful completion of the project.

  • Liaise with and maintain a working relationship with agencies, contractors, consultants and other stakeholders.

  • Co-sign all contracts to contractors / consultants / vendors with project sponsor

  • Approval of all project invoices.

Working Team

  • Execute project activities at the direction of the project manager.

  • Ensure project direction is consistent with departmental and end users’ needs.

Project Accountant

  • Provide fiscal responsibility for the project including tracking project expenditures.

  • Provide monthly account analysis to Project Sponsor.

  • Prepare monthly reports on budget for the Executive Committee and quarterly to the Steering Committee and Council.

  • Review account allocations for appropriateness.

  • Review invoices for appropriate approvals.

  • Track holdbacks.

Project Legal Resource

  • In conjunction with the Project Administrator, advise and structure all project contracts

  • Ensure all conditions lifted and contracts are presented for approval of appropriate parties with Council approval as needed