Appendix A Referenced Works

City of Windsor

Commissioner of Community Development and Health Services, Homelessness and Housing Supports. (2014). Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Plan. Retrieved from the City of Windsor website:,%202014%20Windsor%20Essex.pdf

Commissioner of Community Development and Health Services, Homelessness and Housing Supports. (2019). Home, Together: Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan. Retrieved from the City of Windsor website: %20October%203%20%2719.pdf

Office of the City Clerk, Council Services. (2017). Report C 169/2016, Residential Rental Licensing. Council Agenda, 2 October 2017, Item 11.1, p. 189–213. Retrieved from the City of Windsor Website:

Office of the City Clerk, Critchley, V. (2018). Additional Information Memo, Additional information to report. Council Agenda, 5 February 2018, Item 11.2, p. 143–146. Retrieved from the City of Windsor Website:

Office of the City Clerk, Planning Department. (2013). Report 16750, Lodging Home OPA & ZBA in response to Council’s motions M420-2012 & M421–2012. Council Agenda, 2 October 2017, Item 11.1(Appendix A), p. 214–236. Retrieved from the City of Windsor Website:

Office of the City Solicitor, Planning Department. (2012). Report 16015, Planning Department’s Response to Council’s Directive Regarding Lodging Houses (CR152/2010). Council Agenda, 5 February 2018, Item 11.2(Appendix A), p. 81-103. Retrieved from the City of Windsor Website:

Office of the City Solicitor, Planning Department. (2017). Report C 28/2017, Residential Rental Enforcement and Future Zoning. Council Agenda, 2 October 2017, Item 11.2, p. 276–284. Retrieved from the City of Windsor Website: