standards by-laws in order to address substandard dwelling units and improve the safety of Windsor’s housing stock.

In June 2019 the Provincial Government passed Bill 108, More Homes, More Choices Act , which amended the Planning Act and Development Charges Act to encourage more housing supply. This includes the provision of up to two additional dwelling units per property, faster development approvals timelines, and overhaul of the development charges system.

The Provincial Government issued a new Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS 2020) that came into effect on May 1, 2020. The PPS 2020 encourages planning authorities to permit and facilitate a range of housing options, including new development as well as residential intensification, within previously developed areas in order to respond to current and future needs. The PPS 2020 also clarified that it shall be implemented in a manner that is consistent with Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The changing nature of the legislation under the Planning Act, including the PPS reference to OHRC compliance created concerns that the Administrative recommendations to limit number of bedrooms in a dwelling as supported by CR 61/2018 could not effectively be achieved and/or stand up to scrutiny/appeal under the new regime.

On July 13, 2020, Council passed an Interim Control By-law to prohibit new residential development of the following dwelling types in most areas of the City: Group Home, Lodging House, Shelter, or a dwelling with five or more dwelling units. The main purposes of the study are to:

Ensure residential zoning provisions are consistent with the PPS 2020, especially, but not limited to, Policy 4.4 that requires the implementation of the PPS in a manner that is consistent with Ontario Human Rights Code. Accommodation/housing is a protected social area in the Ontario Human Rights Code.

On August 24, 2020 Council will receive Report S 86/2020, Response to CQ 27-2019 Regarding Potential Affordable Housing Incentives . This report details a number of possible financial incentives through Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) and development-related incentives to encourage growth in affordable housing in Windsor. It discusses strategies to sustain and expand the affordable housing supply in alignment with Goal 1 of the Master Plan and advises the requirements for pursuing them.