Options for developing a University, College and City of Windsor education strategy for students to learn their rights with respect to property standards and their rights as tenants in Ontario;

Incentives for private investment in affordable higher density housing in specific zones that would be less intrusive on residential neighbourhoods with the intent of maintaining existing residential neighbourhoods for more permanent residents, piloted in to Ward 2;

Options for a residential rental license that includes a pilot in Ward 2 with the intent of being rolled out city-wide if successful after a definite time period to be decided by council;

What strategies and legislative options have been used by other municipalities in Ontario and elsewhere regarding student housing; and

Review our lodging home by-law and ways to improve it to capture more rental properties in our community and allow for better opportunities to enforce property standards.

The intent of this council question is to provide incentives for safe and affordable housing in a concentrated manner that does not intrude on residential neighbourhoods, particularly those surrounding Ward 2.

The City of Windsor is the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager for housing and homelessness program delivery in Windsor and the County of Essex. The Housing Services Act, 2011 legislates that Service Managers set the vision for housing by establishing a local housing and homelessness plan that reflects provincial interests. Service Managers amend this plan at least once every five years, with each amended plan approved by Council and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Throughout 2013, the City of Windsor provided leadership in the development and implementation of the original Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Plan ( HHP). Since that time, the HHP has guided the work of the City and the community in delivering housing and homelessness services.

Conducting the legislated five-year review of the Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan presented the Housing Services Department with an opportunity to review the successes achieved so far under the original HHP and set the foundation for continuing improvements over the next five to ten years. Through community consultation, Administration developed Home, Together: Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan (“ the Master Plan”). The Master Plan was approved by City Council on December 2, 2019 (CR612/2019) and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on March 24, 2020. The Master Plan refocuses City’s efforts towards long-term housing outcomes and better addresses underlying systemic issues that contribute to homelessness and housing insecurity. As a guiding document, the Master Plan is instrumental in shifting the City’s service delivery responses towards effective solutions founded in best practices for addressing housing and homelessness needs.