(GA) rate afforded to Class A accounts. As a result compared to the 2016 base year LRWRP has reduced operating costs by approximately $1,000,000.
5. Reclassification from Class B to Class A Customer
Similar to LRWRP describe above in point number 4, the Little River Pollution Control Plant (LRPCP) and the Windsor International Aquatic and Training Center (WIATC) have also been reclassification from Class B to Class A customers. This has resulted in combined operating cost reductions compared to 2016 base year of $454,000.
6. Transit Windsor Improvements and Upgrades
The Transit Windsor bus garage constructed in 1978 currently houses all city buses and is the primary maintenance and administrative facility for Transit Windsor. The facility is approximately 132,800 square feet in size with an annual utility cost of $315,000.
A preliminary engineering study undertaken by Energy Initiatives identified the ventilation equipment as exceeding its useful life. Implementation of the replacement of make-up air and exhaust fans as well as the installation of nitrate oxide and carbon dioxide detection systems began in the fall of 2017 and completed in April 2018. The anticipated electricity reduction is 120,000 kWh and annual savings of $18,000.
The bus garage component occupies approximately 100,000 square feet of space and is utilized primarily as a parking depot for buses as they terminate their daily routes. By strategically positioning the bus dispatcher in an enclosed kiosk the temperature setting for the garage was lowered from 70 degrees to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This has resulted in a reduction of natural gas consumption by approximately 45,000 cubic meters and annual cost savings of $13,000.
7. WFCU Heat Pumps
WFCU Centre concourse cooling and heating is provided through two roof-top air handling units (RTUs). The units run continuously throughout the year, even when the concourse is not occupied, as they provide air conditioning to two smaller offices in the area. These two offices are now being cooled and heated by two dedicated small heat pumps installed in December 2017 therefore the RTUs will no longer need to operate when the concourse area is unoccupied. Savings are expected to be over 76,000 kWh annually or approximately $11,400.
8. Forest Glade Arena Ice Plant Upgrades
The ice plant controls were upgrade to infrared technology in April 2019, similar to the improvements made at the WFCU Center and Capri Pizza Sports Complex. This allows for more consistent and efficient ice making capabilities as well as better management of ice temperature set points. Savings are expected to be approximately 23,300 kWh annually or $3,500.