The Consultant’s role is to be an objective, unbi ased third party hired to provide detailed information, data and input to the Salary Market Review Committee, to assist in selection of a good sample of comparator positions and municipalities, collect all data, compile findings of salary comparison and present recommendations to the Committee and if requested to Council.

In conducting the 2017-2018 salary market review it is strongly recommended by both the Committee and the Consultant that the methodology remain consistent with the exception of a change to one comparator municipality and four comparator positions for reasons noted below.

Comparator Municipalities

Given that the Corporation of the City of Windsor is a Single Tier municipality, when reviewing the comparator groups used for purposes of this review in 2010 and moving forward, through Council Resolution CR431/2010, three (3) of the comparator groups used in 2007 were eliminated (Town of Richmond Hill, City of Vaughan and the City of Kingston) and replaced with two (2) different comparable groups (City of Mississauga and the Region of Durham). This change in municipalities was based on 2009 population, service delivery and scope of responsibilities. The comparator group used for the 2015-2016 salary market review, based on the above change, was as follows:

As part of the 2015-2016 salary market review, Colette Annetts, Annetts & Associates, the “Consultant”, made the following recommendation: