Member Representing
Vincenza Mihalo Project Lead
Valerie Critchley Corporate Leadership Team
Janice Guthrie Finance
Shelby Askin Hager Legal, Planning, Building and POA
Diane Ryan CAO Office
Tom Graziano Recreation & Culture, Parks & Facilities
Alina Sirbu Huron Lodge and Social Services
Anne Marie Albidone Environmental and Public Works
Roberta Harrison Operations and Public Works
Pat Delmore Transit Windsor
Kristin Toniolo Human Resources
Gayle Jones CANUE (President)
Peter Evans CANUE (1 st Vice President)


Given the results of the salary market review, Administration, together with the committee, is recommending that no salary adjustments be made as a result of the salary market review for 2017 and 2018 and that salaries continue to be subject to the applicable council approved, negotiated increases for the respective years reviewed. As the non-union employee wages have been maintained at no less than the 50 th percentile of mutually agreed upon comparator positions, the corporation has met the contractual obligations as per the Market Salary Comparison section of the CANUE