forward, three (3) of the comparator groups used in 2007 (The Town of Richmond Hill, City of Vaughan, and the City of Kingston) were eliminated and replaced with two (2) different comparable groups that were deemed to be more appropriate (City of Mississauga and the City of Brampton) (CR431/10). These comparators were determined based on the number of full time employees and annual budget for each municipality. In addition, City Council authorized the completion of the salary market comparison for both the CAO and the CLT to be completed separately from the non union employee group.

February 2012 – Moving to a Two-Year Review

During the February 27, 2012 Executive Committee meeting of City Council, the following recommendation was approved:

“ THAT the Corporation of the City of Windsor BE DIRECTED to conduct a salary market comparison review every two years for CANUE employees, the Corporate Leadership Team a nd the Chief Administrative Officer.”

This recommendation was reaffirmed at the March 5, 2012 City Council meeting through M145-2012 and once again in the August 2013 Terms & Conditions of Employment signed between the Corporation and CANUE. The current CANUE agreement now reads:

“The Corporation will conduct a market salary review in 2013 and thereafter every two (2) years for Civic Association of non union employees and the parties agree that salaries will be maintained at no less than the 50 th percentile of the comparator municipalities using the methodology used in the 2010 market salary comparison. In keeping with this agreed methodology, unless as mutually agreed upon by the parties, any salary adjustments required as a result of the market salary comparison will be retroactive to January 1st of the year in which the market salary comparison is scheduled to be commenced. In accordance with past methodology, each salary market review analysis will contain estimates at the 50 th , 55 th , 60 th and 65 th pe rcentiles”.

The move from a 3 year review cycle to a 2 year review cycle was to allow for lower retroactive payments, better budgeting, and to assist with reducing the risk of premature departure of high performing employees, as well as to enhance the attraction of new employees.

2015 – Updating of Benchmark Positions

In order to complete each study, benchmark positions are chosen in each of the salary bands for comparison with similar positions in the comparator municipalities. Upon commencing the study for the 2013/2014 period, it was discovered that several of these benchmark positions had moved to different salary bands, as a result of organizational changes and reclassifications. To correct this issue, the consultant recommended a change in the benchmark positions to ensure the salary market review was completed with a more accurate sampling of non union positions, as approved through CR137/2015, the comparator municipalities remained intact.