Moved by E. Valvasori, seconded by E. van Wageningen,
That the Active Transportation Master Plan update provided by the TransportationPlanning Senior Engineer BE RECEIVED.
4.2 Traffic Management Infrastructure & Cycling
Shawna Boakes, Senior Manager Traffic Operations/Traffic provides the following comments relating to cameras on traffic signals:
Bicycle detection is done through camera technology at intersections
Eighty per cent of the signals are on camera and the remaining twenty per cent will come on line eventually.
The cameras are from four to seven years of age which is old technology as the algorithms change on a daily basis.
Working with the Finance Department to develop a Request for Proposal to shortlist three different technologies to trial out in the field.
This will be an opportunity for members of the WBC to volunteer to assist. When they put the technology out into the field, there are no bicycles in their department to test the technology when the new cameras are installed.
They want to include “error” as one o f the elements that they will assess as part of their trial period.
Looking for volunteers from the WBC. If they were provided with a radio and were asked to cycle through an intersection 100 times over the next month and to advise how many times you had to wait longer than (a time would be provided) based on the length of the signal times. The evaluation of the technology would be based on the actual input from the cyclists and that would go to the ultimate selection of the new technology.
Volunteers will be required in late September/early October 2020. If there is a problem with an existing intersection, they would be looking for a volunteer now.
She suggests the public use the 311 Call Centre to track issues and which will allow their Department to track certain intersections.
In response to a question asked by the Chair regarding the placement of the volunteer at an intersection and the camera, S. Boakes responds as long as the cyclist is in the curb lane, the camera should pick up their movement.
Moved by K. Dohring, seconded by T. Ireland,
That the initiative provided by the Senior Manager Traffic Operations/Parking to propose upgrades to the Traffic Management System to improve visibility of active transportation users through intersections across the City of Windsor BE ENDORSED.