Council Report: S 129/2020

Subject: Economic Revitalization Community Improvement Plan (CIP) application submitted by St. Clair-Rhodes Development Corp. for 3355 Munich Court (Ward 9)


Date to Council: October 13, 2020
Author: Greg Atkinson, Senior Planner
519-255-6543 est. 6582
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: September 24, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SPL/10759

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT the request made by Active Claims Management (2018) Inc. on behalf of property owner St. Clair-Rhodes Development Corp. to participate in the Business Retention and Expansion Grant Program BE APPROVED for the portion of the municipal tax increment resulting from the proposed development of eligible uses (i.e. Computer Software Developer, Corporate Office, and Canadian Head Office) located at 3355 Munich Court for up to 10 years or until 100% of the eligible costs are repaid pursuant to the City of Windsor Economic Revitalization Community Improvement Plan; and,

  2. THAT the grant payments:

    1. BE CALCULATED based on the percentage of gross floor area within the building that is allocated to the eligible uses (i.e. estimate to be 35% based on the CIP application); or,

    2. BE CANCELLED and approval to participate in the Business Retention and Expansion Grant Program BE RESCINDED if the number of employees associated with eligible uses falls below 35; and,

  3. THAT, Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare an agreement between the City, Active Claims Management (2018) Inc., St. Clair-Rhodes Development Corp., and/or persons or companies that have legally been assigned the right to receive grant payments to implement the Business Retention and Expansion Grant Program