(a) community services including libraries, emergency services, community centres and similar public agency uses, but does not include a Methadone Clinic;
(Deleted by OPA #106 – November 6, 2015, B/L 143-2015)
(a) community services including libraries, emergency services, community centres and similar public agency uses;
(Amended by OPA #106 – November 6, 2015, B/L 143-2015)
(b) home based occupations subject to the provisions of policy;
(c) Neighbourhood Commercial uses subject to the provisions of policy;
(d) Open Space uses subject to the provisions of section 6.7; and
(e) Minor Institutional uses subject to the provisions of section 6.6.
TYPES OF LOW PROFILE HOUSING For the purposes of this Plan, Low Profile housing development is further classified as follows:
small scale forms: single detached, semi-detached, duplex and row and multiplexes with up to 8 units; and
large scale forms: buildings with more than 8 units.
LOCATIONAL CRITERIA Residential development shall be located where:
- there is access to a collector or arterial road;
- full municipal physical services can be provided;
- adequate community services and open spaces are available or are planned; and
- public transportation service can be provided.
EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR A NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PATTERN At the time of submission, the proponent shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Municipality that a proposed residential development within an area having a Neighbourhood development pattern is: