CITY OF WINDSOR – BUILDING DIVISION - Barbara Rusan, Manager of Policy & Regulatory Services, August 26, 2020

The Building Code Act, Section 8(1) requires that a building permit be issued by the chief building official for any construction or demolition of a building. It is strongly recommended that the owner and/or applicant contact the Building Division to determine building permit needs for the proposed project.

The City of Windsor Building Division can be reached by phone at 519-255-6267 or through email at


The site may be serviced by the 600mm Vitrified Clay sanitary sewer, 300mm PVC sanitary sewer, and the 250mm Concrete Pipe storm sewer located in the Wyandotte Street East Right of Way. A sampling manhole is required for any new sanitary private drain connection. Storm detention calculations, along with lot grading and site servicing plans are required. Post development storm water runoff is required to be restricted to pre development flows. A servicing study is required for this development to confirm capacity exists in the proposed sewer outlets from this site. The current overall site outlets to the 450mm Concrete storm sewer located on Menard Street, with storm detention being provided by the dry pond on site. The proposed civil drawings depict a new property line, if the intent is to sever a reciprocal agreement for access & services will be required.

Wyandotte Street East is classified as a Class 2 Arterial Road requiring a right-of-way of 28 meters (Schedule X). The current Right-of-Way is 27.5m therefore a 0.5m conveyance is required. A Right-of-Way permit is required for any work on the right of way. All driveway approaches shall be constructed to City Standard AS-204.

In summary, we have no objections to this rezoning application, subject to the following: (Requirements can be imposed at the time of Site Plan Control):

Site Plan Control Agreement – The applicant enters into an agreement with the City of Windsor for all requirements under the General Provisions of the Site Plan Control Agreement for the Engineering Department.

Site Servicing Plans – The owner agrees to submit a site servicing plan for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official, the City Engineer, and ERCA in regulated areas, prior to the issuance of any construction permits for the subject lands.

Servicing Study – The owner agrees, at its own expense, to retain a Consulting Engineer to provide a detailed servicing study report on the impact of the increased flow to the existing municipal sewer system, satisfactory in content to the City Engineer and prior to the issuance of a construction permit. The study shall review the proposed impact and recommend mitigating measures and implementation of those measures. The Study is required to be finalized to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of construction permits.

Reciprocal Access & Services – In the event of severance, the owner agrees to register a reciprocal agreement for access and services as required.

Land Conveyance – Prior to the issuance of a construction permit, the owner (s) shall agree to gratuitously convey to the Corporation, land sufficient to create a 28 metre wide right-of-way on Wyandotte St E. This conveyance shall be approximately 0.5 metres along the entire Wyandotte St E frontage of the subject lands.

Please contact Shannon Mills of this department at for more information.