6. Land Use

6.2 General Policies

TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT PROFILE For the purpose of this Plan, Development Profile refers to the height of a building or structure. Accordingly, the following Development Profiles apply to all land use designations on Schedule D: Land Use unless specifically provided elsewhere in this Plan:

  1. Low Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than three (3) storeys in height;
  2. Medium Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than six (6) storeys in height; and
  3. High Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than fourteen (14) storeys in height.

TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT PATTERN For the purpose of this Plan, Development Pattern refers to an area bounded by the nearest Collector and/or Arterial roads and/or other major linear physical features. Accordingly, two categories of Development Pattern are provided for:

  1. a Neighbourhood which exhibits a characteristic lotting and/or development profile; and
  2. an Undeveloped Area which does not have characteristic lotting or development profile.

6.9 Mixed Use

The lands designated as “Mixed Use” on Schedule D: Land Use provide the main locations for compact clusters of commercial, office, institutional, open space and residential uses. These areas are intended to serve as the focal point for the surrounding neighbourhoods, community or region. As such, they will be designed with a pedestrian orientation and foster a distinctive and attractive area identity.

The following objectives and policies establish the framework for development decisions in Mixed Use areas.

6.9.1 Objectives

MULTI-UNCTIONAL AREAS To encourage multi-functional areas which integrate compatible commercial, institutional, open space and residential uses.

COMPACT FORM To encourage a compact form of mixed use development.

SPECIAL IDENTITIES To provide opportunities to create and maintain special area identities and focal points within Windsor.

STRATEGIC LOCATIONS To identify strategic locations which are highly visible and accessible for mixed use development.

VIABLE AREAS To ensure the long term viability of Mixed Use areas.