LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT – Stefan Fediuk, June 30, 2020 Zoning Provisions for Parking Setback:

Zoning Provisions for Parking Setback:

Concept plan provided complies with all Zoning Provisions related to landscape setbacks and open spaces.

Tree Preservation:

There is a remnant hedgerow of trees and scrub undergrowth running north-south through the middle of the site.

Require a tree survey identifying species, location, and condition of all trees on the subject lands. The tree survey will used at the time of Site Plan review to calculate urban forest canopy loss and compensation.

Parkland Dedication:

There are no parkland implications beyond the usual requirement for cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication as per By-law 12780, and the Planning Act, and Bill108.

Detailed landscape requirements will be provided at the time of site plan review.

TRANSIT WINDSOR – Jason Scott, June 18, 2020

Transit Windsor has no objections to this development. Currently the closest transit service would be the Ottawa 4 route with a bus stop located on Meadowbrook at Hawthorne SW Corner. This bus stop is approximately 500 metres away from this property falling outside of our 400 metre walking distance average to a bus stop. Our new Council approved Transit Master Plan does propose to have a new local route providing direct service to this property with service on both Enterprise Way and Hawthorne here.

TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SENIOR ENGINEER – Jeff Hagan, September 1, 2020 We have reviewed the transportation impact study report for the above-noted application (“Hawthorne Drive Development City of Windsor Traffic Impact Study” dated May 5, 2019, by John Tofflemire and Aaron Blata of R.C. Spencer Associates Inc.) Our comments are below.

Overall, the report establishes that the traffic impacts of the proposed development can be accommodated by the existing surrounding road network without off-site improvements.

This report is also sufficient for the site plan control application for the proposed development, unless the proposed development size or site access configuration at the site plan control stage differs significantly from the conceptual site plan provided in the report.

The report recommends landscaping restrictions in the vicinity of the proposed access on Enterprise Way; these recommendations should be taken into account at the site plan control stage.