Full restoration is required for continued display in this location. There is no local organization that provides these services. Reaching out to other local businesses that have the skills to repair fibreglass in different contexts, like boat repair, has been unsuccessful. There is also an ethical dilemma as to what colouration this object should be restored to. The context of Dino within an evolving collection of fine art sculpture or within the histories of Windsor, beyond that of Mr. Odette’s selection, is unknown. Additionally, any restoration campaign would be so extensive that the integrity of the object’s original intent would be severely compromised. For these reasons, this object is recommended for deaccession, as defined in the Public Art Policy in Section 4.3.

All work completed will follow existing Purchasing policies and procedures to ensure this project is in compliance with the corporate standards.

Regardless of the decisions made for the future care or deaccession of Dino, Triceratops, and Tiger , it is recommended that all three items be removed from public view and stored in a safe location as soon as possible. All three are in poor condition and are actively deteriorating in the outdoor environment. Additionally, it is readily apparent to viewers that these objects are in poor aesthetic condition. Furthermore, being at the end of the riverfront trail, this area is less frequented by pedestrians. All of these factors contribute to an increased level of negative interaction with the other valuable sculptures in this area, like Space Plough II, Dancing Bear, and Composition with Five Elements .


The primary task of the summer students each summer will be to complete condition reports on each piece within the public sphere and hand wash and wax all of the sculptures within the Sculpture Park and across the City. As noted, these condition reports compile a review of the collection and assist in determining priority work for the season. When there is inclement weather, the students move indoors to clean some of the other sculptures in our corporate collection (i.e. 350 City Hall, and the WFCU Centre).