the City’s insurance company and a Windsor Police report was filed. The sculpture was removed from the park to ensure further damage did not occur. Administration is working with the Insurance Adjustor to resolve this matter. In simplistic terms, a cast will be taken of the tail from the other piece in Canada and once cast, a new tail will be re-attached and the patina matched as best as possible. It is likely the sculpture will remain away from the Sculpture Park until the end of 2021 or into 2022.

All other bronze sculptures were reviewed by both the Cultural Affairs staff and Parks staff at this time to determine other pieces were not damaged.

On March 9, 2020, Parks staff doing a routine drive through the Sculpture Park determined that the bronze head on Tiger (WSP.2002.007) was removed. This piece is created with the body of a steel marine ball painted to represent a tiger — with 2 bronze feet and a bronze head. This piece was designed by Mr. Odette. This piece is a one-of-a-kind p iece. Again Administration contacted the City’s insurance company and filed a Windsor Police report. After much discussion between Administration and the Insurance Adjustor, it has been determined that this piece should be removed from the Park and de-accessioned from the collection as the damage is not repairable.

During the spring, three bronze plaques were also removed by persons unknown. Once more Administration contacted the City’s insurance company and filed a Windsor Police report. The replacement plaques have been ordered and will be re-installed this year. The cost to replace the plaques totals $2300 + HST.