neighbourhood and/or regional scales, can be implemented over time and that would further contribute to the objective of achieving a Net Zero district.

9) Integration with other plans and studies 

10) Incentives for developers

Integration into City Official Plan

It is intended that the resultant policies arising from the SNAP will be integrated into the City Official Plan. Results from the SNAP can also be used to inform green development standards for other areas of the city. It is understood that many of these recommendations would need to be adapted for infill and redevelopment projects within the established areas of the City.

Building on the approved Community Energy Plan, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change staff will work with the City Planning department as well as qualified consultants to complete the SNAP as outlined above.

Similar Activities at other Ontario Municipalities

Toronto – The City of Toronto has a significant history of completing SNAP plans for different districts within city-limits. One comparable example is the Port Lands Energy plan, which outlines guidelines for Net Zero District including consideration of block-scale energy networks linked through district energy heating and cooling.

London West Five Community SNAP – The City of London has completed a SNAP for the West Five neighbourhood with the goals of Net Zero energy usage. This plan was undertaken along with a third party energy developer S2E Technologies and features beyond-code energy efficiency standards for buildings as well as solar PV renewable energy and district energy elements.

Risk Analysis:

These is no risk associated with applying to FCM for grant funding. In the event that the grant application is not successful, the Climate Change Reserve Funds will likely not cover the consultant’s costs and additional funding will be needed.

Climate Change Mitigation Risks