sustainable, mixed-use communities alongside the proposed Regional Hospital, which can act as the anchor of the area.

In order to prepare the SSPD to be net-zero (or near-zero), administration is recommending that a Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) be developed for the area. The proposed SNAP would include analysis and recommendations for sustainable development in the SSPD under these strategies.

  1. High energy efficiency for constructed buildings

    • Investigate building energy standards for new construction with a goal that new construction be at least 40% more energy efficient and result in 40% GHG reduction compared to similar buildings constructed in 2014.

    • To support this strategy, Administration is recommending completing the Building Efficiency Audit, as outlined in the Climate Change Emergency Declaration. As part of the Climate Change Emergency Declaration priority actions the Building Efficiency Audit was identified as a framework for improving efficiency of new-build developments throughout the city. The Building Efficiency Audit may provide guidance for future updates to policies within of the City’s Official Plan aimed at implementing Community Energy Plan strategies.

  2. Building-scale renewable energy solutions

    • Explore opportunities for building-scale renewable energy solutions to address building energy consumption or demand that cannot be addressed through efficiency measures. Such solutions include, but are not limited to:

      • Solar PV

      • Wind

      • Geothermal

      • Biomass

      • Waste heat recovery

  3. Block-scale energy networks

    • Identify, designate and reserve easements for energy networks, including rights of way for linear infrastructure.

    • During more detailed planning exercises, identify, designate and reserve strategically located small parcels (underground or above ground) for low-carbon energy solutions, which may include: Sewer heat energy transfer stations; Solar PV systems; Biomass combined heat and power plants

    • Create a framework for energy network implementation, including reference to business models (i.e. franchise, lease), easements, and reserved development parcels to attract private investment from energy developers for energy solutions towards a net zero district.