It should be noted, the City of London communicated to the consultant that they would not have time to complete the survey, therefore they did not participate.

Consultant Recommendation #1: Implement the required percentage increase for the organization.

Administrative Comments: Administration is in support of the recommendation to apply a 5.4% increase to all non union Transit Windsor employees effective April 1, 2017. Furthermore, past negotiated increases for Transit took place in October, however in 2017 Transit had two negotiated increases (April 1 st and October 1 st ). As such, Administration is recommending the effective date of the salary market adjustment should take effect April 1, 2017 which aligns with the first scheduled 2017 increase. In order to maintain wages at no less than the 50 th percentile, a salary market adjustment must be applied to all negotiated increases already received, as outlined in the chart below:

  Negotiated Increase Salary Market Adjustment
April 2017 1% 5.4%
October 2017 1% 0%
April 2018 1% 0%
October 2018 1.25% 0%
April 2019 1% N/A
October 2019 1% N/A
April 2020 1% N/A

The acceptance of this recommendation will provide the appropriate salary adjustments, assisting in the retention of current employees, succession planning efforts, knowledge sharing and attraction of skilled and qualified candidates when filling vacancies. The