1.0 Cost Control

Dillon is a project-based, client-focused organization that has developed proven tools and methods for organizing, monitoring and delivering our projects with our clients' success in mind. Our projects follow a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS) based on guiding principles that reflect our culture and define Dillon's commitment to technical quality, client satisfaction, risk management and employee health and safety. In addition, the Dillon QMS includes a rules-based component, consisting of standard business procedures to ensure consistency in project administration.

Dillon Project Managers are committed to operating within our defined business procedures, along with the flexibility available to adapt our quality principles to suit the project requirements and our client's specific needs. Our Project Managers also have a variety of tools at their disposal, including Microsoft Project, BST Enterprise financial management software, and an Earned Value Method that allows them to monitor project charges (time and expenses) relative to the budgeted schedule, level of effort, and the value of the work that has been accomplished (earned value).

Our Project Manager and Project Team are supported by our Client Relationship Manager for the City of Windsor, who will be accountable for our team's level of service and client satisfaction.

2.0 Fee

We have developed our all-inclusive lump sum fee to provide optimum value to the City, while addressing the City's objective for cost-competitive services. We have therefore presented a project team that has the required skills and experience, while appropriately balancing each individual's level of effort to ensure cost effective performance of this project on time and on budget. We have carefully assigned tasks and hours to individual members of the project team to effectively make use of the budget that we have determined appropriate for this project.

Our cost offer has been attached in the form that has been defined in the RFP ("Appendix 'C' – Cost Proposal") for this project. The cost offer includes all fees and expenditures required for the successful completion of this project, as outlined herein, but excludes the harmonized sales taxes. As defined in the Request for Proposal, we have included in our costs the following fixed credits for the additional engineering studies required for this project.

We will notify you of any scope changes that we feel are reasonably justified based on our proposal submission, including any adjustments to our scope of work that may be requested by the City or by others. We will define the associated implications to our budget and schedule for the City's review and approval before proceeding.