District Energy: $200,000

A budget surplus of $200,000 is being projected to year end as a result of COVID-19. Chilled and Hot Water consumption has decreased by (19.04%) and (26.43%) respectively compared to 2019. This consumption decrease is associated with COVID-19. While Hot Water costs are trending (20.2%) lower, Chilled Water costs are trending higher at 23.7%. This cost increase is the result of DEW rate adjustments which is currently the subject of further review and analysis by City administration and Enwin staff.

Government Funding (COVID): $12,027,000

The City of Windsor has received $12,027,000 in grant funding to assist in mitigating any COVID related deficits.

Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island (TWEPI)

The City provides funding to TWEPI in accordance with the revenue cost sharing agreement developed in conjunction with the MAT program. Previous to this agreement, the City’s annual contribution to TWEPI, as an agency, was set at $923,300. As part of the initial first few years of the MAT program and until the revenues could be more reasonably estimated, City Council has maintained an expenditure within the budget of $923,300 which is transferred to the Tourism Infrastructure and Program Development Reserve Fund. TWEPI has received news from the province that they will be receiving a $629,788 grant to assist tourism with the impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic. This grant will help mitigate the expected loss of MAT revenue. Any remaining shortfall in funding for TWEPI can be funded from the transfer to the reserve.

Enwin Utilities

The City budgets a $4M dividend from Enwin. Preliminary indications are that payment of this dividend may be delayed to accommodate cash flow requirements at Enwin. While, it is still premature to determine when and if all of the budgeted dividend will be received, overall water usage is trending similar last year. Any reduction in water consumption may result in decreased revenue to the City from the wastewater (sewer surcharge) fees collected by Enwin on the City’s behalf. Administration will continue to monitor consumption trends.