Supplies: ($146,000)

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and adhere to the additional COVID-19 legislation called Directive #3 for Long-Term Care Homes under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, additional supplies relating to PPE, sanitizing agents are purchased in order to protect all staff, residents and visitors of Huron Lodge. The department expects to continue this trend throughout 2020.

Salary Accounts: ($625,000)

It is expected that the salary accounts will end the year in a deficit position of approximately ($625,000). Additional shifts in the nursing and dietary divisions are required at Huron Lodge due to resident need and the COVID-19 pandemic environment. The Residents at Huron Lodge are frailer with more complexities than in previous years as proven in the CMI increase which triggered the substantial funding increase. Additional duties have been downloaded to the staff as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, funeral home coroners do not enter the facility and all steps when the death of a resident occurs lies with the nursing staff. The implementation of enhanced infection control to prevent the spread of infections requires all personnel assist. Residents returning from hospital, newly admitted residents and any residents experiencing signs of infectious disease are required to self-isolate for 14 days in their rooms. This requires additional resident care hours for one-on-one care, application and removal of PPE and enhanced symptom monitoring. Since residents are required to remain 6 feet apart for meals, additional staff are required for serving, feeding, porting residents, monitoring residents in the dining room. Managing essential visitors on the units requires additional infection control and ensure compliance of PPE application and removal. The provision of required staffing is ultimately the responsibility of the licensee and homes are legislated to have a staffing plan which addresses the needs of the residents.


Huron Lodge continues to closely monitor expenses and identify, as much as possible, areas for savings. The process of comparing prices for PPE and other required supplies is ongoing with the support from Purchasing and Facilities. The department uses employees who are on modified duties to the full extent of their capabilities.

At any time, the Ministry of Long-Term Care may increase restrictions which will likely result in negative variances in various expense categories.