The total departmental year-end variance is projected to be approximately: $1,494,000 Surplus

Community Development and Health Office (CDHO) & Social Policy & Planning - $0

No significant year-end variance is expected for the Community Development and Health Office & Social Policy & Planning.

Ontario Works (OW) Program Delivery - $1,474,000

Ontario Works Program Delivery is projected to end the year with an estimated net City surplus of $1,474,000 comprised of the following:

Staffing costs are expected to be lower than budget by approximately $566,000 net City. The filling of vacant positions in large part was delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions. During this period, staff leaves of absence and COVID-19 related recruitment delays accounted for about $503,000 of the projected $566,000 surplus. This projected year-end surplus may increase if positions remain vacant beyond October 31, 2020. In addition, Employment Related Expenses (ERE) decreased significantly, adding $870,000 to the surplus. The majority of this surplus is COVID-19 related (i.e. Transit Windsor not charging for ridership/monthly bus passes). These ERE expenditures are expected to increase in the final quarter as business begins to resume operations and the Ontario Works caseload begins to normalize. Other miscellaneous accounts contributed $38,000 to the surplus as various planned initiatives did not go forward due to the pandemic.

Other Employment Services - $0

Other Employment Services, which include Employment Ontario Programs funded by Ministry of Labuor, Training and Skills Development, project to be on budget.

100% Municipal Assistance - $20,000

Higher than budgeted recoveries for Funerals and Burials is expected to result in a Net City surplus of $20,000.