Parks Division

As a result of the increased costs and reductions in both revenues and recoveries of operating expenditures detailed above for the COVID-19 pandemic Parks administration conducted a review of the operating budget. In order to mitigate the negative impacts on the Parks operating budget there were the following decisions made to reduce the projected deficit for the year as follows:

Salary Gapping Savings- $120,000 Surplus

In light of COVID-19 pandemic many vacant position throughout Park divisions were delayed and not filled. As a result there has been some savings from staff retirements or employees transitioning to other department that have not yet been replaced. In addition, the overtime costs are expected to be reduced for the year with limited activity for sports field maintenance and other service provided for recreational purposes. The value of the salary gapping savings for the year for full time staffing is estimated to be $120,000. Parks and Recreation department share Local 82 staffing that work in rinks during fall and winter periods. There are expected changes in costs from their budgets which are fixed however, where one department has a surplus the other department will have a deficit to offset.

Facilities Division

Facilities is projecting a surplus at the end of 2020. The main reason for the overall surplus is relating to the decreased facility maintenance and repairs required at various facilities as a result of pandemic closure or reduced services. Facility Operations Department will continue to monitor variances throughout 2020 and take any reasonable steps to reduce or eliminate variances while mitigating any negative impact on service levels.