The total departmental year-end variance is projected to be approximately:  ($749,000) (Deficit)

Net Salary Variance: ($639,000)

A deficit of ($639,000) is projected in Net Salary variance for WFRS. This consists of overtime, gapping and COVID-19 impact. Overtime is projected to be in the amount of ($284,000) which has reduced significantly by over complement staff since June recruit graduation (Q2 projection was $550,000 deficit), and gapping shortfall of ($125,000) is due to over complement staff regular salary cost. WFRS also added a projected COVID-19 staffing cost in the event that there is an additional 4 firefighters testing positive at a cost of ($230,000). Since the beginning 4 FF’s have tested positive and 3 resulted in exposure to other staff members. Due to the number of staff involved and length of time for isolation, it becomes a costly event in order to maintain service for emergency calls. Screening and physical distancing protocols were established and PPE was provided to staff to be worn when a 2m distance cannot be maintained which should reduce future impacts associated with a positive case amongst the fire rescue division. No measures can eliminate the risk entirely and the resulting assumption is 4 additional cases resulting in staff quarantines will occur before the end of this year.

Fire Prevention User Fees: ($100,000)

A deficit of ($100,000) is projected in User fee revenue for Fire Prevention department when activities came to a complete stop due to a provincial shut down of businesses at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities like general inspections slowly began over the summer, while others like summer events continued to be restricted and most of them cancelled.

PPE, Medical and Cleaning Supplies: ($60,000)

A deficit of ($60,000) is projected for COVID-19 related expenses. Medical, PPE and cleaning supplies usage has increased since March and continues to be in regular use in order to reduce the risk if infection.

Temporary Addition of Assistant Deputy Fire Chief: ($30,000)

As COVID-19 pandemic came upon us, Fire Chief became involved in the pandemic response full time alongside management of the existing high water situation, resulting in a significant reduction in availability to provide effective management of the fire department. At the same time, operational needs increased significantly in order to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on internal staff. The hiring of Assistant Deputy Fire Chief on a temporary basis allowed a dedicated person to fill the operational gaps and address the needs of frontline firefighting staff as well as ensure quality. This included establishing new COVID-19 policies, overseeing the implementation of the new procedures and ongoing daily review of incident run reports. This cost was partially offset by a surplus in an existing account but approximately ($30,000) remains unfunded.

Miscellaneous Surplus Accounts: $80,000

A surplus of $80,000 is projected for Fire & Rescue division as a result of provincial shut down of businesses not allowing for regular procurement to occur. Accounts like machinery and equipment, office supplies, publications & manuals, etc. and programs like public education were significantly reduced or cancelled


The Fire and Rescue Services division will continue to mitigate overtime variances through the attendance management process and take reasonable steps to reduce COVID-19 related expense variances, while maintaining approved service levels.