The total departmental year-end variance is projected to be approximately: ($345,000)  (Deficit)

Licensing and Gaming Program: ($545,000)

The Policy, Gaming, Licensing and Enforcement division is projecting a deficit of ($400,000) in the E-bingo sites based on closures of Bingo Halls from mid March up until August, and reopening at reduced capacity. A deficit of ($145,000) in business licence sales is forecasted due to business closures and 60% of taxis are not expected to renew their licences in 2020.

Marriage Licences and Civil Ceremonies: ($100,000)

Council Services is expecting to have a deficit of ($100,000) from lost revenue in Marriage Licence sales and civil ceremonies due to City Hall being shut down for 3 months during March to June because of COVID-19, as well as having reduced services after reopening.

By-Law Dirty Yard: ($50,000)

By-law officers were only enforcing social distancing from April – June, not resuming normal By-law enforcement until June 1st 2020, which is resulting in a forecasted deficit of ($50,000) related to by-law revenue.

Salary Gapping: $310,000

An overall savings of $310,000 is forecasted from Council Services and Policy, Gaming and Licensing. A surplus of $200,000 is the result of vacant positions in Council Services throughout 2020 and some employees being on unpaid leave of absence due to COVID-19. An additional $110,000 surplus within the Policy, Gaming and Licensing division is due to employees being on unpaid leave of absence due to COVID-19.

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures: $40,000

The remaining surplus balance is made up of several expenditure accounts being under spent, most notably, office supplies and Pound and Board Fees.