Ontario Municipalities are governed by municipal councils. The job of municipal councils is to pass resolutions and by-laws governing municipal services, finances and the various regulatory frameworks. These functions are performed based on the delegated authority contained within the Municipal Act and other legislation and regulations. In Windsor, City Council is composed of the Mayor (Head of Council) and 10 Councillors (1 for each of the 10 Wards).

The total departmental year-end variance is projected to be approximately: $55,000 Surplus

Salary Gapping: $35,000 

The by-election for Ward 7 was postponed from April until October 5th, 2020. A new Councillor will start in the middle of October, resulting in a savings in salary of approximately $35,000 (January until October).

Committees of Council: $20,000

The Committees of Council are anticipating a $20,000 surplus since COVID-19 has prevented most of the committees from being able to spend their budget throughout 2020.