emergency projects as well as aging facilities that require more maintenance as items are breaking down. A portion of this was due to a broken down Blower that needed to have specialized repairs to be completed offsite.

PW Operations: ($104,000) Deficit

Public Works Operations has an anticipated surplus of $139,000 for salary, wage, and fringe benefits due to various vacancies resulting in gapping. Offsetting this is an anticipated deficit of ($243,000) for 2020 Flooding Mitigation expenditures incurred to combat overland/shoreline flooding.

Other Sewer Surcharge Related Expenses: $1,069,000 Surplus

Other Sewer Surcharge-related expenses are anticipated to be in a surplus of $1,069,000. Refunds and General Expenses, as well as EnWin administrative fee, are estimated to be in a surpluses of $218,000 and $171,000, respectively. Revenues are estimated to be in a surplus of $680,000 from what was budgeted.

Windsor Detroit Tunnel & YQG Windsor Airport

The Windsor Detroit Tunnel and YQG Windsor Airport both have faced significant reductions in revenue in 2020 due to the pandemic and the resulting reduced air travel and the border restrictions imposed. The current year-end variance deficit projections for Windsor Detroit Tunnel and YQG are $6.2M and $3.2M respectively. As sole shareholder of these entities, these losses, while perhaps not directly reflected in the City’s operating budget, have a significant impact on the City resulting in paused dividends, the requirement for the provision of cash flow loans, and permanent and long term equity/reserve reductions that will impact future capital investments in both facilities.

Given these concerns, Administration reached out to our contacts at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing and we recently received confirmation that financial relief for municipally owned GBEs (i.e. Windsor Tunnel, YQG) will be considered for funding as part of the Phase 2 Municipal Relief submissions. As such, Administration is