Forgone revenues totalling $39.4M when combined with additional costs resulting from the COVID pandemic of $16.7M result in a total financial impact to the City of $56.1M. This amount has been offset by reduced expenditures resulting from mitigation measures taken to date of $17.9M and from grant funding from senior levels of government of $28.7M, thereby resulting in a projected net municipal financial deficit to the City of $9.5M. Once the Non-COVID Y/E estimated positive variance of $9.1M is factored in, the total projected municipal variance exclusive of the impacts of various GBEs is a projected deficit of $0.4M for 2020. It is noted, that the $9.1M positive Non COVID related variance would in normal circumstances be transferred to the City’s Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund at year end. Given however, the extraordinary deficits faced in 2020 as a result of the COVID 19 Pandemic it will be necessary to utilize this deferred transfer to the Reserve Fund to address the impacts in 2020.

Summary of COVID 19 & 2020 Year-End Financial Projections (Millions)
  July 2020 Oct 2020 Variance
Foregone Revenue $35.9 $39.4 ($3.5)
Additional Expenditures $16.1 $16.7 ($0.6)
Total Estimated COVID 19 Financial Impacts $52.0 $56.1 ($4.1)
Reduced (Mitigated) Corporate Expenditures $16.7 $17.9 ($1.2)
Announced Federal and Provincial Grants $5.6 $28.7 ($23.1)
Remaining COVID 19 Financial Deficit to be Offset $29.7 $9.5 $20.2
Projected Q3 Non-COVID 2020 YE Positive Variance   $9.1  
Total Municipal Q3 2020 Y/E Deficit Projection   $0.4  
Add Government Business Enterprises (GBEs):
YQG Windsor International Airport   $3.2  
Windsor Detroit Borderlink Limited (WDBL) / Windsor Detroit Tunnel Corporation (WDTC)   $6.2  
Overall 2020 Projected Y/E Deficit Including GBEs to be Offset by Additional Federal & Provincial Grants   $9.8