The City of Toronto restricts the maximum number of PLE’s in the municipality to that which existed on May 1, 2018. It also restricts the maximum number of PLE’s in each ward to that which exis ted on May 1, 2018. It allows PLE’s to relocate to another location within the City, subject to the above restriction regarding the maximum number of establishments within a ward. Toronto also restricts PLE’s to be no closer than 500 metres to Woodbine Racetrack.
All of the above regulations are contained within the licensing by-laws of those jurisdictions.
The cities of Barrie and Ottawa have amended their zoning by-laws to set minimum buffer areas (150 metres to 500 metres) around existing PLE’s to disc ourage clustering and also around gambling establishments, schools, body rub parlours and treatment centres or any combination of land uses where vulnerable populations are present.
Current PLE’s in Windsor
According to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, as of September 14, 2020, there were 17 PLE’s licensed under the Payday Loans Act in Windsor.
Their street locations are identified in the attached Schedule “A”. The number of establishments per ward is as follows:
Ward 1 ------------- none
Ward 2 ---------------- 2
Ward 3 ---------------- 5
Ward 4 ------------- none
Ward 5 ---------------- 2
Ward 6 ------------- none
Ward 7 ------------- none
Ward 8 ---------------- 4
Ward 9 ---------------- 1