Item No. 13.1

BY-LAW NUMBER 144-2020




First & Second Reading Passed the 19th day of October, 2020.

WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor has been requested to provide for the repair and improvement to the Marentette- Mangin Drain (hereinafter collectively called the “drainage works”);

AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor has procured a Drainage Report for the drainage works entitled, “Drainage Report for the Marentette-Mangin Drain in the City of Windsor, County of Essex”, dated May 1, 2020 as prepared by Landmark Engineers Inc., (“Drainage Report”) which report is attached hereto and forms part of this provisional by-law;

AND WHEREAS the affected property owners have been given notice of and a copy of the Drainage Report to provide the affected property owners an opportunity to comment on the Drainage Report;

AND WHEREAS the estimated total cost of the drainage works is $174,438.66;

AND WHEREAS the assessment was carried out as a block assessment for lands and roads pursuant to the provisions of s.25 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990;

AND WHEREAS all assessed charges are made against the general tax levy in accordance with City of Windsor CR388/2007;

AND WHEREAS $75,000.00 is the upset amount to be contributed by the Ministry of Transportation for the cost of the drainage report and engineering;

AND WHEREAS $99,738.66 is the estimated amount to be contributed by The Corporation of the City of Windsor for the construction of the drainage works;

AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor is of the opinion that the repair and improvement of the Marentette-Mangin Drain is desirable;

THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor, pursuant to the provisions of s.45 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, hereby enacts as follows:

1. THAT the Drainage Report dated May1, 2020 prepared by Landmark Engineering Inc. providing for the repair and improvement of the Marentette- Mangin Drain, attached hereto as Schedule “A”, is hereby adopted and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth are hereby approved and shall be completed in accordance therewith.

2. THAT The Corporation of the City of Windsor’s share of the cost of the said drainage works in the amount of $99,738.66 shall be charged against all of the lands in the City of Windsor.

3. THAT the Ontario Ministry of Transportation has agreed to contribute the amount of $75,000.00 to the costs of the said drainage works.