3:30 – 4 p.m.

Small group discussion (lead by the respective panelists)

4- 4:30

Summary and conclusion


Day 1 Morning

9.00: Introduction & Welcome

9.30: Elder & Welcome Song (Anishinaabe/Walpole First Nation Drummers)

10:00-11:30: Keynote speaker

Panel 1

11:45-1:00 Student Panel


1:00 – 1:45

Panel 2

1:45 -3:15 Learning from Our Experience


3:15 - 3:30

Panel 3

3:30 – 5:00 Challenging Eurocentric Epistemology

Conf Dinner

7-9 (Nicos Taverna)

Day 2 Morning

9.00-10.30 Keynote


10:30- 10:45

Panel 4

10:45-12:15 Community Panel


12.15 – 1:00

Panel 5

1:00-2.30 Positionality and the Research Process



Panel 5

2:45- 4:15 Building Solidarity


4:15 -5.30 Small group discussion and looking ahead

Post- Conference Workshop


Present changes and additions


Small group work

Evaluation and Conclusion

Training and mentoring (mandatory) — one page Students:

Racialized students have a harder time in higher education due to a combination of structural racism (Cusick Brix 2018; Museus and Park 2015; Reynolds, Sneva and Beehler 2010), classroom dynamics (Vaught and Castagno 2008), and endless micro-aggressions (Fleras 2016). To minimize these dynamics and the negative effects and damage of racism on student achievement, early-leaving rates and University experiences (Griffin et al 2010; Kendricks and Arment 2011, Pender 2010, Strayhorn 2010; Thomas, Willis and Davis 2007), this project undertakes effective and intentional mentoring of racialized students in this project who also benefit from engagement with antiracism and advocacy work in higher education and see themselves as local and global citizens (Harper and Quaye 2007; Hope, Keels and Durkee 2016; Scheurich 2012).

Students (2 UG, 1 MA, 3 Doctoral) will participate in the project. This project brings students into race scholarship through a series of steps, from internal grants through this project and future activities of this group of scholars. 2 doctoral students will participate in the writing process with the rest of the researchers. 1 will be hired to coordinate the conference and assist in developing background materials and helping the editorial committee in the editing stage. MA student will help mentor the hired

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