As part of the preliminary stormwater management plan, the preliminary design of seven SWM facilities was completed using the Windsor Airport Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves with a 6-hour Chicago rainfall distribution. A StormNET hydrologic model was developed to evaluate the operating characteristics of each facility. SWM Pond 5 is the only facility associated with the Marentette Mangin Drain.


Stakeholder Agency Consultation

Stakeholder consultation has been an on-going commitment of the Windsor-Essex Mobility Group since the initiation of the detailed design process. Core agency consultation group meetings have been held on an average of every two to four weeks. These provided opportunities for the design team to present aspects of the design in advance of submissions to MTO and solicit feedback to identify additional design considerations and/or concerns. Key stakeholder agencies consulted in the development of the Marentette Mangin SWM plan include Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), the Town of LaSalle and the City of Windsor.

Supplementary meetings were held with the Town of LaSalle and the City of Windsor to discuss drainage requirements for the service roads connecting the future Highway 401 to existing municipal roads, confirm Drainage Act requirements and appointments, and address peak flow impacts to downstream municipal drainage systems.

6 Description of Existing Conditions

The existing conditions within The Parkway project limits, and beyond the property line, are described in detail in Chapter 4 of the Environmental Assessment Report (URS, December 2008) completed for the DRIC Study and in the PDR SWM Report which was completed as part of the Preliminary Design. A detailed survey of The Parkway right-of-way (ROW) and existing infrastructure was completed by Dietz for MTO and augmented by AGM in support of the detailed design phase. This information was used to assess existing drainage patterns for both the minor and major flows. The following sections summarize the existing conditions within the study area for the Marentette Mangin Drain (Figure 6.0).


Watercourse Characterization

The Marentette Mangin Drain is a regulated municipal drain and lies within the Turkey Creek Watershed.

The headwaters of the Drain are in the City of Windsor and flow southerly, outletting to the Grand Marais

Drain. Drain has an existing contributing drainage area (to Lambton Street) of approximately 20.1 ha.

As previously discussed in Section 4.0, the headwaters of the Marentette Mangin Drain begin on the west side of Huron Church Road, approximately 150 m south of Bethlehem Avenue. The Drain flows southwest, and then southerly to a storm sewer inlet immediately west of the Lambton Street Cul-de-Sac. The total contributing drainage area to the inlet is approximately 33 ha.


Windsor-Essex Parkway


Marentette Mangin Drain Stormwater Management Report

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