All excavated materials, in excess of those required for infilling of the existing drain, shall be disposed of off-site. The procurement of, and fees associated with, any and all approvals required prior to hauling and disposing of surplus materials off-site shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any areas that are damaged by hauling or disposal operations shall be restored to original or better condition.

5.0 Fill Existing Drain

No filling of the channel is recommended at this time. The following specification is provided in the event that filling of the channel is required as part of future maintenance.

OPSS Form 206 (MUNI) shall apply and govern except as amended or extended herein. The existing drain shall be filled to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings including grading, compaction and benching of the existing slopes. The soils used for filling shall be Class II soils (non-impacted) from the on-site excavation of the new channel. The fill shall be placed in lifts, as is required to achieve a uniform compaction of 95% Standard Proctor Density.

6.0 Disposal of Surplus Earthen Material

No disposal of earth materials is recommended at this time. The following specification is provided in the event that disposal of earth materials is required as part of future maintenance.

All surplus excavated material shall be disposed of off-site unless otherwise designated in the contract drawings. A portion of the material will be used to fill the existing drain. Suitable excess material will be incorporated into other fill locations associated with the drain corridor or disposed of as directed by the Engineer.

7.0 Remove and Dispose of Existing Sewer Intake Grate

The Contractor shall carefully remove the existing bar grate from the end of the 1200 mm diameter concrete sewer at Station 0+650, and dispose of the grate off-site. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sewer is not disturbed during removal.

7.0 Supply and Install New Steel Sewer Intake Cage

The Contractor shall supply and install the new steel sewer intake gage as detailed in the Drawings. Steel posts and railings, base plates and connection to the new headwalls, precast blocks and pile caps shall be as illustrated. All steel components of the intake cage shall conform to ASTM A325M or A490M and shall be hot-dipped galvanized in conformance with CAN/CSA G164-M92.