Kevi n Ka lczyns k i

From : Sen t : To : Cc : R an dy S pa d er Th ursd ay, September 24 , 2020 10:55 AM bar ne y j5 3 30 @ d e t r o R a n dy Spade r S u bj e ct: Am bassad or Br i dge r e ga rdi ng H azma t Cl a ss 3 a n d C l ass 8 B rid ge Emer gency Re sponse Plan re v 7 — 21 —2 0 20 .rt f Attac h ment s : Am b as sad or Go o d A f ter n o o n ChiefJoe Barney, is R an d y Spa der and

provide notice to Detroit Fire Emergency Medical Services of the Ambassador Bridge’s request to the Michigan Department of Transportation to lift the restrictions on Class 3 (flammables) and Class 8 (corrosives) on Ambassador Bridge. The Ambassador Bridge has safely handled

Class 2 (gases), Class 4 (flammable solids), Class 5 (oxidizers and organic peroxides), Class 6 (poisonous materials) except 6.2, and Class 9 (miscellaneous materials) since well before

1994. As information,

As you know, the Detroit Fire EMS responds to emergency situations

on the Ambassador

Bridge a few times each year. These responses have been executed smoothly and without incident. The EMS and Ambassador Bridge have also conducted mock emergency response exercises on the Ambassador Bridge in the past. We invite you to send to us your proposed schedule for another mock emergency exercise to help ensure continued good communications and timely provision of EMS services in the event that such services needed again on the Ambassador Bridge.


If you have any questions, regarding reach out to me directly.



or seek additional information, please

Cell 313.363.2870


Field Supervisor
