This synopsis report focuses on specific Michigan roads or highways with respect to the transport of hazardous materials. Hazardous moteriol (hozmot) is detined 05 cu substance or material capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or property when transported in commerce.‘ This definition underscores the importance of minimizing risk to the public, to the environment, to pub|ic and private property (including animals and the built environment), and to hozmot shippers or carriers. Moreover, the definition explains the need for regulatory requirements and strict management of the, transport of hazardous materials.

Hazardous materials include elements 0t everyday lite — ranging from —

petroleum—reloted substances (such as fuel) and explosives (such 05 Fireworks)

to 0 broad range of materials used in the monutocture of ordinary products, such as fertilizers, detergents, bleaching agents and myriod other goods used or dispensed in households, hospitois, water purification plants, industrial Facilities, laboratories, dry cleaners, gas stations, terms and other endeavors or establishments on 0 daily basis. Hazardous materials are transported by a broad spectrum of transportation modes, including highways, roil, waterways and air, as well as by pipelines.

on which hazardous materials may be transported)2 and restricted routes (highways or roads on which hazardous materials may not be transported) or routes that have specific restrictions, such as requirements for escorts, time ot-dcry restrictions, limitations about specitic hazardous materials that may be prohibited ond/or other requirements or restrictions. Michigan‘s hozmot routes and respective restrictions are included in the US. Department otTronsportotion Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Notional Hazardous Materials Route Registry (NHMRR). The registry is the national repository For NRHM as well 05 radioactive materials routes.

In November 2008, MDOT received 0 formal request to change restrictions relative to the designated routes in Wayne County. Subsequent to this request, MDOT has taken the following steps:

(Accessed Feb.

12, 2012).


& Hazardous Materials Safety Adminisltruatlion,

”Glossary," hlntp://phmsa.dolt.gov/hazmat/g|ossary.

Hazardous Materials Transportation in Texas, 2009,
