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Dear Govemor Whitmer,

It is my understanding that the state is reviewing a decision by the Snyder administration regarding the routing of certain materials, primarily gasoline, in Wayne County. It is also my understanding that a technical report issued by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) in 2012 recommended that these materials be allowed transport across the Ambassador Bridge (as is currently allowed at the two other international bridges in Michigan) with two safety considerations:

Given the facts that there has never been a life threatening incident in the 58 years that these materials have been allowed transport over the I-Bridge and Blue Water Blidge, that currently these materials going between Canada and Detroit are trucked through our communities, adding additional risk and hazard to residents along these routes, and that MDOT plans 'to allow these materials to be transported over the planned Gordie Howe Bridge, I believe it is in the best interest of our state to implement MDOT’s 2012 recommended changes,

Finally, I believe that science, facts and public safety considerations should guide this decision and strongly encourage MDOT to proceed to a period of public comment.

Thank you for your consideration.

See attached page for Detroit Caucus House Members’ signatures.