October 5, 2020

Dear Mayor Dilkens,

for c cor•munity. |\ ur most vulnerable residents have been pushed•to their limits and beyo•d. As Urgent and other needs emerged irn our community, we are grateful to the mahy (community partners including t he Cilcy of Windsor, who Helped us tb

some of)your employees tlhis summer “a support United Way’s Summer e

Eats and Béckfoacks for Success Programs, you helped us tb Vensure some of OUI"|( children and fémilies Imost in need Iréceived th i:

In addition, thank you for helping tt1o promote these programs. Your support}helped to raise awareness 56 that morertha'n 13,000 Iltocal c were fed over the summer when in—:school nutrition programs are not operating and over 1500 backpacks and 800

Staples gift cards were cdistributed as well.

Finally, thank you for your active support of the #YQG Stands Strong campaign. The fundé raised are helpiing to supportrcrritical programs and services aé identifiebl by the WE CC Care Coalition.

We are grateful to tlhe City of Win and members of CUPE Local 82 and CUPE Local 543 •for éupporting United, Way and helping us respond to some of<OUF C greatests time of n’eed. Thank you for your bngoing partnership with United Way énd your commitment to c

\300 Giles B'I’xIvd. E.,,Un'It A1, Windsor, ON N9A'4C4

Charitable Registration Number: 10816 0334 RROOO1